Race for Hope DC I know it's Saturday but this post is about Wednesday Wishes. I can't tellyou how much I wish I/we could Stomp out Cancer. I don't think I know a single person whose life hasn't been touched or forever altered by some form of cancer. There isn't much I can do but keep writing, keep …
Race for Hope DC May 4th, 2014
Race for Hope DC
I know it’s Saturday but this post is about Wednesday Wishes. I can’t tellyou how much I wish I/we could Stomp out Cancer. I don’t think I know a single person whose life hasn’t been touched or forever altered by some form of cancer. There isn’t much I can do but keep writing, keep donating, keep running, and keep praying that one day the research will lead to a break through. I can’t wait to live in a world where cancer is rare like Polio or the black plague.
My Wednesday Wish this Saturday morning is to kick cancer’s ass, if I may be so blunt. I’m pretty sick of it. I’m tired of shouting from roof tops, going to fund raisers. I’m beyond tired of collecting ribbons, taking up the banner for yet another caustic cause and then after running another race collecting another funeral program. So yeah this morning my Wednesday Wish is stomp cancer out, I’m going to do all I can to stand up to cancer and beat it out of existence. I may get weary fighting this battle but I’ll never stop running this race. I’ve lost too many people I love to cancer to let it off the hook that easy.
I’m going to fight until we get rid of it or I until I leave this earth. So until then I’ll run in May for brain cancer awareness and to raise money for research. This year’s Race for Hope DC run is tomorrow May 4th, 2014 at Freedom Plaza in DC. I won’t be in DC to walk this year, but I will walk tomorrow in memory of Latoya Headley. R.I.P. girlie I miss you. I’ll stand up in September for my Uncle Charles. Words will never be enough to explain how much you mean to me, and how much I miss you. If I could have 5 more minutes with someone it would be with you. Love You Unc. I’ll walk in October for breast cancer awareness.
If it means ridding the world of cancer, I’ll run/walk every chance I get. For me that’s a HUGE sacrifice because I hate to work out. I used to be athletic but father time is lurking. I sound like a bowl of Rice Krisipes before, during and after the 5k but it’s a necessary evil.
Everyone doesn’t have to run or walk in the races. Everyone can’t write a check to help fund research. Everyone can’t physically participate in the research studies. Everyone can’t spend time volunteering for hospice or hospitals. But each of us can do something in the hope that one day no one has collect ribbons.
The American Cancer Society is currently looking for people who have never had cancer between the ages of 25 and 55. To run research studies on. I’ve just applied. I am praying that I get accepted to the study. It doesn’t matter if you have a family history of cancer or not. they have different studies they are conducting. Some of the studies are for people who have a family history of cancer and have escaped its clutches. Some of them are for people who have never had a a family member diagnosed with any form of the disease. All of the studies are important, each one brings us one step closer to the day when cancer like the black plague, and small pox are almost non existent.
So you aren’t eligible for a study, you can’t walk 2 feet without getting winded, and it’s all you can do to make it to payday so donating is definitely out of the question. You can still help, that is the great thing about us all being in this together. There is something for everyone. Go grocery shopping for someone or run errands for someone you know fighting this battle. Make sure you tell the people you love they matter. Give them their flowers while they are still here. Stop by the cancer unit and volunteer your time. If that’s not your bag start educating yourself so that you can help educate others. Encourage people to get annual mammograms and prostate exams. If someone in your circle starts suddenly having headaches on a regular basis they can’t explain and the pain is excruciating GET THEM THE DOCTOR. Educate yourself on the “superfoods” that may prevent cancer. Take a proactive approach.
There is so much we can do to march in the direction of ridding our world of cancer. We just need to collectively decide to run in that direction. I couldn’t possibly cover all that ground in one blog. One last thing if you’ve kicked cancer’s ass once don’t be that asshole who plays chicken with it a second time. You beat lung cancer then want to go back to smoking 2 packs a day. REALLY! We are either part of the solution or part of the problem. Cancer is an equation I intend to help solve. So until we find a solution. You can find me on the battlefield….running and fighting.
Peace Love and Style
If you can’t think of a way to help check out Cathy’s Creations on Facebook. Cathy’s Creations is always doing something amazing and I’m sure she wouldn’t mind a few extra helper angels.
Race for Hope DC. Sunday May 4th, 2014 FREEDOM PLAZA 8 am. Walk, run, pledge a donation and help find a cure. Team SOZO FOR LATOYA walking in memory of LaToya Headley R.I.P.Toya