My cutthroat family and our low down, dirty, fantasy football league.

We thought a loving family like ours how could it go wrong? This will be a great way to have fun even though we are miles apart and enjoy football that we have been bonding over our entire lives. I bleed Chicago Bears on Sundays and Maize and Blue on Saturdays. In college I spent Sundays watching the Washington Redskins with My Uncle Charles. Usually I spent my Sundays laughing because the Redskins were losing and Mr. cool would act like it was all in the plan. He did a Jerry Jones and took faith in moral victories with his Redskins 2 decades ago.  Having family in Oklahoma and family in D.C. made me despise everything related to the Dallas Cowgirls. Unfortunately, I have a knack for attracting Cowgirl nation to me. Yeah I married one and I am definitely going to hear about talking about his beloved Cowgirls I mean Cowboy later,  Other than him being a Dallas Cowboy fan he's a great husband.
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